Ambiente Italia Srl has always been certified according to i main standards international companies in the sector.
Ambiente Italia Srl is certified UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 e UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 for design activities and provision of research, analysis, planning and consultancy services in the field of the environment and the territory.
The Integrated Quality and Environment Management System is certified by DNV Italy.
Ambiente Italia is also registered EMAS no. IT-0001538.
- Environmental and quality policy
- Ethical code (italian)
- ISO 9001: 2015 certificate - EN
- ISO 14001: 2015 certificate
- EMAS registration
- Gender Equality Plan
To request the Environmental Declaration document, write to: simona.canzanelli@ambienteitalia.it
Quality contact person: Patricia Beretta
Environmental Manager: Simona Canzanelli
The protection of confidentiality, in addition to being a legal obligation, is a priority quality objective for us. For more information on our practices regarding the management of the information provided to us and the security in the processing of data, consult the section dedicated to privacy by clicking , here.