Circular Economy

Circular Economy

Our experience

The planning of the waste cycle (Waste management and planning) and their management according to circularity criteria represent one of the cornerstones of any sustainability strategy, both locally and nationally.

Ambiente Italia has always been an authoritative and established presence in the sector of waste management, as evidenced by the broad portfolio of services and the vast curriculum of projects implemented over the years. We have assisted numerous supra-municipal local authorities in the elaboration of plans for the collection and disposal of municipal waste; we have supported the Optimum Territorial Authorities (ATO) and managers in the planning of collection services according to efficiency criteria and in the development of development strategies for the circular economy; we support public administrations in the drafting of specifications for tenders for the assignment of MSW collection services.

Our experience is not limited to the public sector: we assist private individuals in the industrial or real estate sector in the reclamation and redevelopment of contaminated areas; we assist our customers in drafting the documentation necessary for the main administrative procedures of an environmental nature.

We use innovative software and tools to obtain efficient and cutting-edge results.

Some numbers: more than 25 plans and programs for the reduction of waste production, 25 assignments for the collection service design, 15 studies with Life-Cycle Assessment analysis, 6 plant analyses and numerous studies on the topic of the circular economy.

Our areas of Consulting

Preparation of management plans for urban and special waste

As part of the drafting of urban and special waste management plans, Ambiente Italia develops complete databases - also georeferenced - on waste production and management, analyzes available technologies and existing and proposed plant engineering, develops alternative management scenarios , carries out plant location studies, investment and management cost assessments, assessments of the environmental, social and economic effects, useful for the purposes of the Strategic Environmental Assessment.

Location studies of treatment and disposal plants

Ambiente Italia has defined and updated a methodology for the location of waste management plants, using various methods in an integrated way: analysis with Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing and field inspections. To facilitate decision-making processes, which are very complex in this field, clear macro and micro-location criteria are used and possible environmental and social compensations useful for minimizing the effects of localizations are identified and evaluated.

Actions to prevent and reduce waste production and develop circular economy strategies

Ambiente Italia analyzes the sources of waste and waste to reduce its formation, modifying products, processes and management methods, and increasing its reusability and recyclability; it studies specific programs of prevention and reduction and with public-private concertation activities it determines the best implementation; develops training, information and dissemination activities aimed at specialized audiences.

Design of waste collection and urban hygiene services

Ambiente Italia analyzes the current state of waste collection and urban hygiene services by building georeferenced databases relating to existing services and plants and by developing benchmarking activities on the technical, economic and environmental performance of the services. It develops punctual analyzes and redesigns the waste collection and urban hygiene services through the elaboration of Master Plans and preliminary and executive projects, with optimization of the routes and means used also through the application of 'routing optimization' software, allowing to achieve considerable savings in the execution of the services themselves.

Assessment (LCA) of the environmental effects of waste management

Ambiente Italia is one of the first companies in Europe to develop assessment methodologies in this area. It has also used them in planning processes through the life cycle assessment SMAR model which today forms the basis for the APAT I-LCA database. The life cycle assessment (LCA), with the related economic analysis, allows to optimize objectives and policies for individual waste and material flows, both for the public body and for companies.

Environmental authorization procedures

The many years of experience gained by the multidisciplinary team of Ambiente Italia in the context of the authorization procedures of numerous and different projects of both public and private initiatives guarantees our customers a high level of knowledge and ability to analyze programmatic and environmental profiles. The services we offer to proponents and designers include in particular: preliminary environmental studies and environmental impact studies; documentation for the purposes of Integrated Environmental Authorization (Legislative Decree No. 152/2006 as amended); documentation for the purposes of the Single Environmental Authorization (Presidential Decree No. 59 of 13 March 2013); Environmental Monitoring Plans; landscape relations (Legislative Decree no. 42 of 22 January 200); studies for the evaluation of incidence (Presidential Decree n. 357 of 8 September 1997); forecast studies of acoustic impact (Law n. 447 of 26 October 1995). Ambiente Italia also provides technical assistance to the designer and developer during the various phases of the evaluation and authorization process in the name of a transparent and constructive dialogue with the local authorities and with the subjects involved in various capacities.

Our Consulting Sectors