Environmental assessments and authorizations
![Environmental Assessments](https://www.ambienteitalia.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/EDDP.png)
Our experience
Environmental assessment & permitting is the area of Ambiente Italia that brings together the skills and operational capacity gained over decades of experience in the field of analysis and environmental impact assessment, the estimation and forecasting of the impacts, del support in authorization procedures and environmental due diligence.
The Ambiente Italia team is able to identify the significant environmental profiles right from the early stages of the planning and/or design process of civil and industrial infrastructures, returning the data and processing in a synthetic and immediate form, lworking closely with the planning and design teams right from the start to identify any critical issues and impeding and/or risk factors in the very early stages, promptly providing feedback and indications on how to mitigate, if not completely avoid, potentially critical factors.
Our team boasts high seniority and an interdisciplinary composition, with experience in the field of environmental assessment procedures gained over the years in both the private and public sectors; constant regulatory and technical updating, theaccess to databases and advanced methods of analysis and forecasting, and a working group coordinated by highly experienced in-house key experts guarantees our customers a targeted support, proactive, and focused on actual needs.
Over the past 15 years, we have followed further 80 authorization procedures of an environmental nature relating to as many plants and infrastructures. In particular, we have to our credit approx 60 procedures relating to energy production plants for a total of 3.369 MW of which 1.109 MW (57 projects) for the development of plants for the production of energy from renewable sources (RES) and 2.260 MW (3 projects) for the development of thermoelectric plants. We conducted Environmental Due Diligences for some thermoelectric plants during the electricity market liberalization process and, subsequently, for wind farm projects and biomethane production plant projects.
We have collaborated with competent authorities and research bodies in the experimentation of systematic approaches to impact assessment of project supply chains and in the drafting of guidelines for the environmental assessment of infrastructure projects.
Lastly, our team boasts twenty years of experience. Ambiente Italia also has twenty years of experience in the field of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), where we have completed over 50 projects relating to local and large area plans/programmes, as well as sectoral plans, which have led to the integration of strategic, territorial or sectoral planning with environmental objectives, applying and consolidating approaches for assessing consistency and analyzing impacts. We have also gained experience in the management of participatory processes, also in the context of the SEA procedure, by applying specific methodologies (e.g. EASW).
Our areas of Consulting
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
The Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA is the procedure by which the competent authority ascertains - prior to authorization - the environmental compatibility of a project in relation to the environmental context in which it is located. Our team can support the proposer throughout the entire authorization process, helping him to orient himself in the various viable options in relation to the complexity of the project and the environment involved (e.g., the Verification of EIA Subjectivity - Screening, the preliminary phase consultation for the definition of the contents of the Environmental Impact Study - Scoping, or the Environmental Impact Assessment in all its phases, from the preliminary verification of constraints and critical issues, to the drafting of the documentation and any additions, to the dialogue with the competent authorities , setting up and drawing up the documents as required (e.g. preliminary environmental study, environmental impact study, environmental monitoring plan, etc.).
Introduced into the Community legal system in 1985 with Directive 85/337/EEC, which was followed by various directives which have progressively expanded and detailed the field of application subsequently (the latest being Directive 2014/52/EU) and governed by Legislative Decree 152/2006 as amended (Consolidated Environment Act, second part, Title III)
Landscaping permit
Our team has gained numerous experiences in the field of drafting the Landscape Report, which the proposer must present - where required - together with the project documentation and any other documents of technical environmental study. The landscape authorization is provided for by Legislative Decree 42/2004 as amended (Code of cultural heritage and landscape), also alongside the environmental authorization procedures, where the interventions in the project have potential effects on restricted cultural and landscape assets.
Environmental due diligence
The numerous skills present in our team, and the decades of experience in the field of environmental and landscape authorization procedures, allow us to provide our customers with adequate support when evaluating projects in view of their acquisition and/or development, identifying and evaluating the potentially critical profiles in relation to the progress of the authorization procedures and the possible elements that could hinder their effective implementation.
Single Environmental Authorization (AUA)
It is the single enabling provision which replaces in a single title seven communications and authorizations on environmental matters, regulated by Presidential Decree n.59/2013. Ambiente Italia, thanks to a consolidated experience in the field of environmental regulations, can guarantee professional support in the drafting of all the documentation necessary for the AUA
Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programs (SEA)
The SEA (Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes) has the purpose of guaranteeing a high level of environmental protection and contributing to the integration of environmental considerations during the elaboration, adoption and approval of certain plans and programs ensuring that are coherent and contribute to the conditions for sustainable development.
Our team has been developing original and coherent approaches to the assessment of the sustainability of plans and programs since the end of the 80s with some pilot experiences in the field, and subsequently with various professional assignments for both public and private entities, as well as in various European projects.
Introduced at European level in 2001 with Directive 2001/42/EC, the environmental assessment of plans and programs is regulated in part two, title II of the Consolidated Law on the Environment.
Forecast study of noise impact
In our team there are two technicians competent in the field of environmental acoustics (enrolled in the ENTECA list), who have environmental noise measurement instruments and updated forecasting software to carry out acoustic survey campaigns and very high precision acoustic impact assessment . Governed by the framework law on noise pollution n. 447 of 26 October 1995 as amended and supplemented by the related implementing provisions, is aimed at ascertaining compliance with the limit values set by the law by the project activities.
Integrated Environmental Authorization (IEA)
Our team has followed numerous environmental authorization procedures relating to different plant types, helping to set up and develop the required technical documentation and the forms required by the various procedures at both national and regional level. Introduced into European legislation with Directive 1996/61/EC (IPPC, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control), then superseded by Directive 2010/75/EU (IED, Industrial Emissions Directive), the Integrated Environmental Authorization is governed by Legislative Decree Legislative Decree 152/06 as amended (Consolidated Environment Text, Part Two, Title III Bis).
Case Studies
Read Case Studies and European Projects in the Environmental Assessments and Authorizations sector:
Environmental Impact Study of a Wind Farm in Monte Giogo (FI)
- EIA of Photovoltaic Plants - Province of Rovigo
- Plan of the Palude La Vela Nature Reserve
Environmental impact study of derivation for hydroelectric purposes on the Boalzo stream
- SEA Regional Waste Management Plan - Valle D'Aosta
Environmental Impact Study Regional Waste Management Plan - Valle D'Aosta
- Analysis of ecological and geological indicators for hydroelectric plants - Lombardy Region
- Impact study and environmental impact study – Maggiolo farm breeding
Ecological connection from the Vanzago Wood to the Groane Park