Sustainability in numbers

What does sustainability mean?

In 2015, the United Nations signed a pact relating to the so-called Agenda 2030, a list of 17 sustainable development goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) which aim to counter the effects of climate change and economic and social inequalities in the world.

For over 30 years, Ambiente Italia has demonstrated its commitment to protect and improve the quality of the environment through its consultancy, research, innovation and design activities with concrete facts and numbers green

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Ambiente Italia has created 4 Water Protection and Use Plans and Water Management Plans.

Ambiente Italia designs and manufactures Nature-Based Solutions which purify the water and avoid overloading of the aquifers (such as i SOUTH, or Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) limiting to a minimum or completely eliminating energy consumption compared to traditional systems.

Ambiente Italia boasts substantial experience in the field of energy planning and management: has accomplished over 50 Energy Plans for Municipalities, Provinces and Regions and more than 500 energy diagnoses for public and private buildings.
It offers energy efficiency interventions for public and private, civil and industrial buildings, with the aim of improving energy performance, to consume less and better.

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Ambiente Italia provides consultancy in the field of corporate sustainability, supporting companies in the implementation of management systems (environmental, safety, social responsibility) and green product policies. I'm over 100 The LCA studies (Life Cycle Assessment) created by our experts to provide companies with a tool to reduce their environmental footprint.

Ambiente Italia has achieved more than that 60 State of the Environment Reports (RSA), and more than 40 projects on the monitoring of tourist pressures and the development of sustainable tourism in urban areas, territories and natural parks. This long experience has made us protagonists in the field of local sustainability and local government, theadaptation to climate change and the resilience of human settlements.

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We were among the first to introduce innovative techniques, methods and approaches in Italy relating to the environmental analysis of production cycles and organizations, with particular attention to the themes of the circular economy and the reduction of impacts. In the field of waste management, are approximately 30 i Plans and Programs for the reduction of waste production that the experts of the group have developed for Municipalities, Provinces and Regions.

Ambiente Italia has developed numerous projects for the development of policies and approaches to implement measures of adaptation and resilience to climate change.
I'm over 150 SEAPs and SECAP implemented, voluntary plans that identify and integrate climate change mitigation and adaptation actions with governance strategies and tools on a local scale.

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The protection of biodiversity and terrestrial life forms is one of the principles underlying the beyond 80 authorization procedures of an environmental nature for plants and infrastructures.
Furthermore, more than 50 consultancies and activities have been carried out which have led to the integration of strategic, territorial or sectoral planning with environmental objectives.

Ambiente Italia is associated, or adheres directly or through its experts, to numerous associations and networks involved in the development and dissemination of issues related to environmental sustainability.

Furthermore, since its inception, Ambiente Italia has participated as a partner or leader in projects in the main ones European programs, coming to realize more 140.

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