Partnerships and associations

Ambiente Italia is associated, or adheres directly or through its own experts, to numerous associations e network engaged in the development and dissemination of issues related to environmental sustainability.

ifec extension

IFEC - Italian Forum of Energy Communities aims to explore and share best practices on the subject of Energy Communities, so as to fully grasp the energy-economic-environmental benefits on the national territory, in accordance with the local and global dimension of the energy Energy Transition and with the objectives set by the Integrated National Plan for Energy and Climate (PNIEC) and by the Green New Deal.


The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) was born in 2016 to raise awareness of the importance of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development in Italian society, economic subjects and institutions and to mobilize them in order to achieve the Goals of sustainable development.


The international network for district energy, promoting sustainable heating and cooling in Europe and beyond


The network promoted by Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza and Brianza, to stimulate new alliances between companies that offer products, technologies and services for environmental and energy sustainability, to give visibility to their skills.


Kyoto Club is a non-profit organization, created in February 1999, made up of companies, bodies, associations and local administrations, committed to achieving the objectives of reducing greenhouse gas emissions undertaken with the Kyoto Protocol, with the decisions EU level and with the Paris Agreement of December 2015.


The Green Building Council Italia (GBC Italia) is a non-profit association which is part of the international network of GBCs present in many other countries; is a member of the World GBC and a partner of the USGBC.


The Association of Environmental Analysts (AAA) is a non-profit technical-scientific association which pursues cultural and informational objectives inherent to the sustainable management of the territory, through the integration between the technical-professional world and the academic world and the promotion of the multidisciplinary approach to environmental and social sustainability issues.


The Italian LCA Network Association stands as a point of reference in Italy for the main operators in the field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).


UNI – Italian National Unification Body – is a private non-profit association recognized by the State and by the European Union, which for almost 100 years has been developing and publishing voluntary technical standards in all industrial, commercial and tertiary sectors.

VAS School

Scuola VAS is an association established in March 2009 with the aim of contributing to the full application in Italy of the European directive on the subject of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).


Ambiente Italia participates in the pro-motor committee of MCE – expocomfort exhibition and conference, a biennial appointment for the world of civil and industrial systems, for air conditioning and renewable energy sources, is a point of reference for those involved in energy efficiency and innovation.


The REsilienceLAB Association was born from the experience of the RE_LAB network as a tool to more effectively support actions to promote and support resilience initiatives in the territories. It shares the purposes of the network and broadens its spectrum of action.


Renovate Italy brings together numerous entrepreneurial and non-profit realities that promote activities and projects for the energy requalification of the built heritage in Italy.

Promoted within The Renovate Europe Campaign (REC), Renovate Italy aims to stimulate in Italy, within the framework of European policies and good practices, innovative tools and approaches to reduce energy waste in buildings.


Rete Mobilità Nuova is a reality that unites associations, formal and informal realities and people involved in mobility. The Network was created with the aim of spreading and promoting New Mobility among citizens, associations, movements, administrations and institutions.