The project:

ENABLE DHC is a LIFE project coordinated by Ambiente Italia which aims to promote the transition of district heating and cooling networks  (DHC) towards greater efficiency as defined by the Energy Efficiency Directive, developing 9 case studies of investment plans in 7 countries (Austria, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Slovenia, Ukraine) with very different starting contexts. The plans will be developed in close collaboration with DHC network operators, focusing in particular on digitization, on the Investment Risk Assessment It is on "Sector Coupling".



1.7 thousand



case studies



Project objectives:

The territories involved in the ENABLE DHC project will be grouped together within a Case Study Assembly, with the aim of promoting cooperation between DHC operators.

Furthermore, the impact of the activities will be amplified thanks to the concrete support to 18 additional “follower” case studies and thanks to an ambitious replication plan that will include 7 national workshops, 3 pan-European webinars, 1 mid-project workshops and 1 final event, also addressed to DHC stakeholders outside the project boundaries. A strong focus will be given to DHC sector policies and governance, leading to the development of 7 policy roadmap for the countries involved of ENABLE DHC, supported by public authorities, and of a 'Blueprint for action'. Stakeholders will also be directly involved through 9 Working Groups linked to the case studies.

The expected results are:

• Strengthen the knowledge of contexts of reference and evaluate the current technical status of the selected case studies.
• Improve the dialogue , cooperation between operators in the DHC sector, public authorities (PA) and relevant stakeholders at local and supra-local level.
• Develop decarbonisation plans for H&C networks.
• Promote dialogue, interaction and cooperation between case studies.
• Create and promote the conditions for developing efficient district heating networks.
• Stimulate the replicability of results outside the consortium and beyond the project duration.


• Ambiente Italia Srl (Coordinators)
• AEE- Institut Fur Nachhaltige Technologien
• AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GMBH
• Euroheat & Power
• Energo Doo Za Proizvodnju Distribuciju Toplinske Energije I Plina
• Wirtschaft Und Infrastruktur GMBH & Co Planungs KG
• AGFW . Projectgesellschaft Fur Rationalisierung, Information Und Standardisierung MBH
• Irish District Energy Association Company Limited by Guarantee
• Riga Municipal Agency “Riga Energy Agency”
• Envirodual, Trajnostno Okoljsko in Energetsko Upravljanje, Raziskave in Izobrazevanje, DOO
• Municipal Institution City Institute

AMBIT contact people:
Riccardo Battisti:
Clare Lazzari: