What is a Climate Risk and Vulnerability Analysis?

It is a study that allows to identify and deepen the cause/effect relationships that guide the climate change and its impact on people, economic and social sectors and natural systems. It involves the collection anddata and information analysis precise (climatic, geographical, demographic, etc.) which allow to describe and evaluate the factors that determine climate risk, such as danger, exposure and vulnerability following the GIZ methodology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) & EURAC Research and the concepts ofIPCC AR5

What are the benefits of a Climate Risk and Vulnerability Analysis?

In the context of ongoing climate change, it is crucial precisely identify and be aware of climate-related risks that affect the territory and that can affect the activities and its ability to reach programmatic goals and long-term planners. This can help aorganization, public or private, to develop strategies and plans to mitigate and manage risks through the implementation of specific actions, the promotion of sustainable practices, the construction of protective infrastructures, the training and awareness raising of the population or personnel involved.
The rationale behind this analysis has also been included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) with the adoption of the principle “Do No Significant Harm” – DNSH (“not cause significant damage” to the environment) as a decisive criterion for the disbursement of any loan.



What service does Ambiente Italia offer you?


with respect to goals short, medium and long term of your organization. The analysis allows us to guarantee the security and the correct execution of the activities, for the achievement of the objectives and to reinforce the environmental, social and economic sustainability of a company or a territory


respecting the characteristics of the intervention area in compliance with social, economic and environmental sustainability.


specifications for strategic objectives of development of a territory, for the performed activities by a company or for need for territories wider.

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