What are Nature-Based Solutions?
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are interventions that use nature to solve environmental and social problems. They can be used to mitigate i climate changes, protect biodiversity, improve air and water quality. More generally, they deliver “ecosystem services” aimed at improving performance in the use of natural resources, for example in the form of water and energy management and conservation, soil protection and nutrient management, local microclimate mitigation, storage the quality of resources and the environment. NBS are based on the use of a variety of natural elements such as plants, soils, water, animals, generating interconnected natural systems, and can be used in combination with materials, digital tools, sensors and technologies of different types.
What are the benefits of Nature-Based Solutions?
These are solutions"multi-benefit“: the advantages of solutions based on nature are in fact multiple and range fromCO2 absorption to adaptation to the effects of climate changes, up to the efficiency in the use of resources and the improvement of the quality of the environments they are located, improving their flexibility for multiple uses and their resilience over time to the effects of climate change.
NBS can be used in combination with other environmental management techniques to achieve integrated results: improving the environmental performance of buildings and to the urban spaces and not; pursuing goals of Sustainable Development such as, for example, the use of renewable energy sources or the quality of spatial planning; facilitating the adoption of practices urban or agricultural of sustainable development.