What is EIA?
La Environmental Impact Assessment (VIA) is the procedure by which the competent authority ascertains - before the authorization - the environmental compatibility of a project in relation to the environmental context in which it is located. The procedure involves the submission of one environmental impact study (or environmental preliminary) by the person proposing the project. The competent administration takes care of evaluating the documentation presented and requesting any additional information.
Finally, a compatibility measure (or exclusion from the EIA) regarding the environmental impacts of the project, which is integrated in the provision of approval or authorization of the project
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evaluation procedures followed
Why is the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) useful for your company?
The EIA was introduced into the Community legal system in 1985 with Directive 85/337/EEC, which was followed by various directives which have progressively expanded and subsequently detailed its scope of application (the latest being Directive 2014/52/EU). Nationally, it is governed by Legislative Decree 152/2006 as amended (Consolidated Environment Act, second part, Title III).
È mandatory for various types of infrastructure and systems (e.g. road axes, ports, chemical plants, hydroelectric, wind, photovoltaic plants, waste disposal and recovery plants, change of use of uncultivated areas, intensive farming, development projects for industrial, productive, urban areas, tourist villages, etc.).